Bradford Mohr: About the Artist

Bradford Mohr: Web Design

Bradford Mohr: Graphic Design

Bradford Mohr: Fine Art
Thank you for visiting the personal portfolio site of Bradford Mohr. Here you will be able to view web design, graphic design and fine art created by me. When it comes to design I can create from one end of the spectrum to the other. Everything from clean and corporate to very artistic and creative. Please have a look around and enjoy looking at my personal portfolio.


Interested in graphic design? Please have a look at everything from the Patient Portal postards and handouts, table tents, computer wraps, desktop backgrounds, magnets, digital displays, business cards, mobile phone icons, portfolio labels, art exhibition posters, and flyers. Have a look and let me know what you think.

Fine art has always been a passion of mine. This section features many different mediums. digital art, photography, photography restoration, crayons, and pencils. There are are so many more ideas I have and will explore for future projects. I'm looking forward to what art projects will develop in the near future.