Bradford MohrProfessional

I currently hold the position of Web Designer II and Tier II Support for a leading cancer research hospital in the state of Florida. Throughout my tenure, I have demonstrated an expertise in providing leadership and direction in the creation and design of the Patient Portal, Interpreter Services Online and the Electronic Management Center used for furthering the education of employees within the organization. Additionally, I have demonstrated an expertise in providing leadership and direction in the creation of the Custom Design Studio web site and customization of dynamic Flash animations to air over networks in doctor's offices across the United States. Throughout my career, I received numerous awards for my creative talents and for my proven abilities to function as a team player and/or team leader. I have an extensive technical background in Prototyping, Bootstrap, Foundation, SASS, SCSS, HTML/CSS, and JavaScript, along with Responsive designing of web sites to enhance the user experience across all platforms and mobile devices. My academic credentials include a B.A. with dual major in Graphic Design and Broadcast Cable production. I am an interactive and performance driven designer with excellent detail, problem solving, and organizational skills.

Bradford MohrArtist

When I started college I knew I wanted to pursue a life in the creative field focusing in graphic design and television/film production. During my sophmore year, I took a beginning class in the fundamentals of drawing, where I discovered a passion for drawing in many different mediums, especially my childhood favorite - crayons. Early on in college I was given a crayon assignment in one of my drawing classes. After all the artwork was displayed on the wall my instructor questioned me because he initially thought my drawing was done in oil paints. I told him to look at it closely and that's when I knew I had something unique and special. It was after creating my very first crayon piece of a flower pot, I knew I found my medium of choice.

After moving to St. Louis, Missouri, to pursue a graphic design job, I developed an interest in web design. There I taught myself the programming necessary to create my personal web site to showcase my art. I wanted the creative freedom to express and showcase my art the way I wanted too. As my skills progressed in the graphic and digital rhelm, I tried my hand at digital art and restoring old photos to their former glory with a hint of color. An opportunity to enhance my web design skills came available in Dearborn, Michigan. After several years working in the graphic and web design field I decided it was time to renew my interest in fine art.

Early in 2001 a friend introduced me to New Orleans for the first time. It was from his stories and his sense of pride for his Creole heritage and culture, it was time for me to experience New Orleans first hand. It was there that I fell in love with the rich art, culture and history that the city possesses. Sharing experiences with other artists down in Jackson Square inspired me to take my fine art to the next level - Art Exhibitions.

I wish to acknowledge all my family and friends that pushed me to do things of which I did not think myself capable and emphasized that life-long lessons are only limited by our imaginations.

Thank you for your interest in my journey thus far...
The journey continues...